
第3回東北特別研究会2024(ATEM東日本支部)    研究発表募集


会場:仙台協立第一ビル 5階(5-F)
map https://maps.app.goo.gl/nX1H1GTNpxgSLMT56
研究発表募集要項:以下の必要事項を電子メール本文に記載し、 中村(sachiko.nakamura.b6@tohoku. ac.jp) までお送りください。

*発表概要(400字以内、英語での発表は200 words 以内)


参加ご希望の方は、こちらの懇親会参加フォーム(Google Form)にて申し込みください[締切 9月1日(日)23:59]。

Announcement of Call for Presentations for the 3rd Tohoku Area Special Study Session of ATEM (The Association of Teaching English through Multimedia)

The East Japan branch of ATEM will be holding its 3rd Tohoku area special study session at Sendai Kyoritsu Daiichi Building in September, and we are now starting the call for presentations at this meeting. Please check the details below and apply, or just come to the session if interested.

*Time and Date: Saturday, September 7th, 2024, starting at 1:00 PM (time subject to change)
*Place: Sendai Kyoritsu Dai-ichi Building, 5th Floor (5-F)
map https://maps.app.goo.gl/nX1H1GTNpxgSLMT56
*Deadline for applying: Saturday, August 10th, 2024

This study session does not have a specifically set theme, so we will be accepting as many applications as we can regarding the use of multimedia and visual media (from videos to movies to music to digital media) and how it can be used in the EFL or foreign language classroom. The three general areas of presentation are: practical classroom application, materials development, and language teaching theory. If you have any questions, please ask through the e-mail provided below.

Presentations should be about 20 minutes long, allowing for about 10 minutes for questions and answers and 10 for changing speakers. To apply to speak at this meeting, please e-mail the following information to Sachiko Nakamura (sachiko.nakamura.b6@tohoku.ac.jp).

*Presentation title (in the language that you will be presenting) *Name(s) of all presenters
*The affiliation(s) of all presenters
*Contact information (preferred e-mail address and phone number in case of emergency)
*Abstract (400 characters or less if in Japanese, or about 200 words in English)

We are planning a social gathering following the study session on the day of the event (reservation required). If you wish to participate, please register in advance using this participation form
(Google Form) [Deadline: Sunday, September 1st, 23:59].

ATEM(映像メディア英語教育学会)東日本支部夏季例会プログラム(Zoom 中継含む)    ATEM Higashi Nihon Chapter Study Meeting(Zoom Hybrid)


Date: May 26(Sun.), 2024

場所:麗澤大学新宿キャンパス(新宿アイランドタワー 4F)

Place: Shinjuku Campus, Reitaku University(4F, Shinjuku I-Land Tower)

Zoom中継をご覧になる方は、以下のGoogle Formsにて、5月20日(月)23:59までにご登録ください。後日ZoomのURLをお知らせします。

You are kindly asked to register through the following Google Forms by May 20 (Mon.) if you would like to join the meeting online (watching the presentations only). You will be informed of Zoom ID & Pass later.



13:00 – 13:15 発表者リハーサル(希望者のみ) Rehearsal for presenters (optional)

13:15  開会挨拶 (Opening)


1.13:20 – 13:40

“Interactive Video-speaking Tests: Possibilities and Challenges”

Ryan SPRING(Tohoku University)

Abstract: Video-based listening tests have recently garnered attention as being potentially better than audio-based listening tests due to the fact that the videos provide better context and result in improved learner engagement and focus (e.g., Wagner, 2010; Zhi, 2013). However, fewer studies have looked at the use of video-based tests that prompt speaking responses. As of 2020, Tohoku University adopted a new, four-skills based EGAP (English for General Academic Purposes) curriculum that requires students to learn a number of speaking skills including discussion participation. However, evaluating discussion can be challenging as the same scenario should be presented to students and the objectivity of grading must be ensured. Furthermore, conducting speaking tests can be very time consuming for teachers. Therefore, Tohoku University has adopted an approach of providing video-prompted speaking questions to ensure that all students receive the same stimulus and will provide similar kinds of responses that can allow more uniform grading. The system also allows the use of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) which can be used to provide teachers with transcripts of student responses that can also be used to check for specific keywords, potentially decreasing teachers’ scoring burden. In this presentation, examples and preliminary results are provided with an aim to further refine the systems.

≪Q&A: 13:40 – 13:45≫


2.13:50 – 14:10



概要:映画は小説が言葉で描写する情景をイメージ化した映像である。登場人物たちの心底の恐怖や不安を伝える表現を、映画『コールドマウンテン』とその原作小説(Cold Mountain, 2003. By Charles Frazier)を比較して考察した。彼らの心底を表現するために、「if語句」や「if節~」の仮定法で語るセリフ・言葉が、映画では35回、原作小説は165回出現する。

 物語は1861年4月に勃発したアメリカ合衆国南北戦争の4年間を背景にしている。フレデリックスバーグ激戦後のピーターズバーグ特攻隊に、召喚されたインマンが首に重傷を負ってチャールストンの病院に入院する。そこから逃亡し、携帯していたバートラム著『旅行記』を頼りに、故郷コールドマウンテンのBlack Coveへ向かう彼自身の闘う旅が始まる。旅の途上に厳しい自警団(Guard Home)の監視を逃れ、「フィルド音楽」や多彩な異文化を持つ人々と出合い精神の高揚へと向かう。


≪Q&A: 14:10 – 14:15≫


3.14:20 – 14:40


三村仁彦 (帝塚山大学)


(1)  生起頻度とパターンの豊富さから,当該表現が話し言葉における慣用表現として十分に確立された地位を有していること。

(2)  各種英和辞典における当該表現の記述(特に例文の選定)に関して,再検討の必要性があること。

am [are, is] notの短縮形,あるいはhave [has] notの短縮形であるain’tは,一般的には非標準的な表現として認識され,学習用英和辞典におけるその記述は簡潔なものにとどめられているのがふつうであり,総合英語教材にいたっては,そもそも触れられていない場合も多い。その一方で,同表現は映画のセリフはもちろん,洋楽の歌詞の中にも頻繁に見られ,学習者が接する機会が決して少なくない。本発表は,この矛盾を解消する一助となることを目指すものである。

≪Q&A: 14:40 – 14:45≫


4.14:50 – 15:10






≪Q&A: 15:10 – 15:15≫


5.15:20 – 15:40

“Exploring Optimal Design Strategies for English Audio Materials”

Sachiko NAKAMURATohoku University

Abstract: Recently, many English learning books have been coming with audio resources. However, there are still not many that pay adequate attention to the design of the audio materials, including the duration of pauses. By incorporating appropriate pause lengths, these audio materials can become more than just tools for checking segmental features (e.g., pronunciation of each word) and suprasegmental features (e.g., intonation and rhythm); they can become more usable for repetition or retention training, wherein learners listen to audio without a script and repeat what they hear during the pauses (Nakata, 2023). English audio materials can be consciously designed to be used more actively, enabling learners to not only acquire declarative knowledge, i.e., knowing about something (DeKeyser, 2020), but to also promote the development of procedural knowledge, which is essential for communicative competence  (e.g., DeKeyser, 2020; Nakata, 2023; Suzuki et al., 2023). Moreover, by using “not lengthy” pauses, the audio materials can do more to improve learners’ fluency, as learners need to repeat the audio within a limited time. This presentation explores: 1) common design practices for English audio materials, 2) optimal design strategies for English audio materials, and 3) learners’ responses to optimally designed English audio materials.

≪Q&A: 15:40 – 15:45≫


6.15:50 – 16:10






≪Q&A: 16:10 – 16:15≫


閉会挨拶 (Closing)