第12回 ATEM東日本支部      オンライン大会プログラム           12th ATEM Higashinihon       Chapter Online Conference                              2022年3月13日(日)                March 13, 2022                                                  

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You are kindly asked to register through the following Google Form by March 12 in order to join the meeting. You will be informed of Zoom ID & Pass later.
URL   https://forms.gle/uLBen7BmyCdP7hKcA


 *12:30 ~ Zoomのリハーサル(*発表者のみ)
     Zoom Rehearsal (*Presenters only)

   1.13:00~13:25 開会挨拶と支部総会(Opening & General Meeting)


  Ryan SPRING (Tohoku University), 

  Shizuka SAKURAI (Tohoku University), 

Sachiko NAKAMURA (Tohoku University)

        Use of interactive videos in university EFL learning

   Interaction in the target language is one of the key elements in improving speaking

proficiency. However, EFL classrooms sometimes provoke Foreign Language Anxiety

(FLA), which may make learners feel reluctant to communicate in the target language

and lead to lack of willingness to communicate. To lower students’ anxiety, we

attempted a pedagogical solution that would give them ample opportunities to practice

English communication by themselves in advance and prepare for the real use of

English in class. By doing so, we hoped their affective filter would be lowered, and they

could feel more confident, which would in turn encourage them to interact more with

other students in class. The pedagogical solution we implanted was interactive videos

for self-practice of communication.

    We created interactive videos, with which students can practice English discussions by themselves. In the videos, two L1 English speakers talk to each other and the camera, making the students feel that they are a part of the conversation and must respond. Students speak their response to a speech recognition system, which types out what they say. Through this process, students can learn how they should respond properly in English and practice comprehensible pronunciation without any societal pressure. In this presentation, we demonstrate how each of us used the videos in and out of class. We also introduce students’ reactions to the use of interactive videos.  

                           ≪Q&A: 13:50~14:00≫ 


Satomi YOSHIMUTA (Kwassui Women’s University)

The Color Purple (1985): A Woman’s Self-Realization and the American Women’s History around the early 20th Century      [SIG]

     The Color Purple (1985), a film based on a novel authored by Alice Walker, depicts a life of an African American woman and sisterhood in the South about 40 years spanning from the 1900s. The time was amid the very first wave of feminism in the United States. In 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified, and it has guaranteed all American women’s rights to vote. Celie, the main character of the story, connects with three women, who represent relationships with society and the changing women’s status and inspire her to change.

     One of them is described as an iconic flapper girl, who is a representative of a liberal woman in the 1920s. She can express herself as she likes and never gives herself to a man. As a flapper, she is engaged in a nightlife activity as a jazz singer in a glittering costume.

   Another woman whom Celie encounters represents the dilemma between an African American’s freedom and the harsh reality that surrounds an African American woman without backing. Sophia talks back on a street to a white lady, which puts her into lifelong persistent adversity. The paradox in creating interracial sisterhood is included in her episode.

     In this presentation, posterior to discussing the author’s point of view toward the setting and the era, I will illustrate a model of teaching how Celie experiences transformation through encountering three women based on the American women’s culture and history through this film.

      ≪Q&A: 14:25~14:30≫ 

4.14:35~14:55  塚田三千代(翻訳・映画アナリスト)

映画 『ラスト・クリスマス』(Last Christmas, 2019)に観る文化諸相 [SIG]

1980年代に世界中で大ヒットした“Last Christmas”のメッセージが、現在も人々の心の奥底まで響くWHAM!のGeorge Michael作詞作曲と同名の映画である。 “Heal the Pain” “Last Christmas” “Praying for Time” などをBGMに流し、英国のEU離脱に直面する移民家族(旧ユーゴスラヴィアを脱出)、多様国籍のロンドン在住者が英語習得に苦労…、主役歌手オーディションに挑戦するケイトは心臓移植後に情緒不安定になるが、不思議なアジア系の青年トムとの出会いが鍵となって他者を認識するVR(Virtual Reality)などが描かれる。映画全体に明るいユーモアと痛恨の極みが漂う。

研究で考察した知見は語学教育現場の手引きとなり、授業で活用できて適切な教材になる。MCDBキーワード検索: 異文化理解、文化差異、英国の贈答文化、VR(Virtual Reality)

[The movie “Last Christmas” (2019) in view of Cultural Aspects

 The message of the film “Last Christmas” comes from the song of the same name written by George Michael of WHAM! It was a worldwide hit in the 1980s and still resonates deep in people’s hearts today. Many George Michael songs including “Heal the Pain,” “Praying for Time,” and a previously unreleased single, play as background music, and the title song is performed in the finale. The film is about an immigrant family who fled the breakup of Yugoslavia and now live in London as the UK faces the exit from the EU, focusing on an aspiring singer Kate, who is emotionally unstable after a heart transplant. Her encounter with a mysterious young British-Asian man, Tom, is the key to her growing self-maturity. We see as well life among diverse nationalities in London including struggles with learning English. The whole movie has a cheerful humor and a poignant reveal. ]

      ≪Q&A: 14:55~15:00≫ 

5.15:05~15:25  呉春美(神奈川大学)




[In this presentation, I would like to discuss how the film, “Gran Torino,” is effective for cross-cultural understanding.  The film shows how the main character, a white Italian immigrant and retired Ford car assembler, came to accept the Hmong family living next door and made them a part of his life. Themes of racism, immigrants, poverty, war trauma and so forth are also broached, and students can learn about these social problems in American culture. Finally, the effectiveness of multilingualism and multimodality in film-based language learning is considered.]

       ≪Q&A: 15:25~15:30≫


6.15:35-15:55  山本五郎(法政大学 現代福祉学部) 


本発表では、2019年の年末から現在に至るまでニュースメディア等で高頻度に用いられているcoronavirus と COVID-19に注目する。COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019)と上位語であるcoronavirusは同様に用いられることが多いため,これらの語法分析を目的として,英語雑誌メディアの記事と医学系を中心とした学術論文に基づくコーパスを新たに構築した。

本発表では、 まずBiber(1995)等に触れながら、コロナウイルスに焦点をあてて開発された既存のコーパス(The Coronavirus Corpus)と本研究で構築したコーパスの違いについて述べる。その上で、使用頻度、コロケーション、それぞれの語が用いられる文脈などについて比較分析し、語彙特性を明らかにする。これらの語彙は,Wisdom4版(2019)のような比較的新しい英和辞典を含め,多くの辞書では見出し語項目としては扱われていないものであるため,辞書開発の観点から,今後出版される英和辞典で見出し語として収録する際の語義や用例,サインポスト等について考察し,提示法を提案する。

[This presentation focuses on the usage of “COVID-19” and “coronavirus.” These two synonymous vocabulary items have been frequently used in a variety of media since the end of 2019, but they have yet to be listed in many English dictionaries. To shed light on the common features and differences between these two items, the presenter developed a corpus based on English journal articles and academic research papers. This presentation first gives some insights about the existing corpus, the Coronavirus Corpus (Davies, 2021), and the corpus newly developed for the purpose of this research. Second, definitions, example phrases, and a signpost of these two vocabulary items for inclusion in a future dictionary will be proposed.]

      ≪Q&A: 15:55~16:00≫ 


7.16:05~16:25  日影尚之(麗澤大学)

 石油、家族、血ーPaul Thomas AndersonのThere Will Be Blood (2007) を英語・リベラルアーツの授業で教える場合について     [SIG]

Paul Thomas Andersonの There Will Be Blood(2007)を英語・リベラルアーツ専攻の授業で教える場合について考えている。主人公Daniel Plainviewの掘削と埋葬のパターンに病理的内面を読むGeorge Toles(2015)のようなアプローチもあるが、Daniel Worden (2012)は、石油と家族の密接な関係およびその断絶として読む。主人公は “I’m a family man, and I run a family business. This is my son and my partner, H.W. Plainview.”というが、DanielとH.W.の関係は本当の血縁ではなく「石油縁」である。Danielとの血縁を騙る男が登場し、採掘中の事故で聴力を失うH.W.はやがてDanielの言うことを聞かなくなり、最終的には独自に石油ビジネスを始めると言って2人は縁を切る。アメリカの生命線(lifeblood)である石油と血(血縁/暴力)そして宗教の物語は、父、息子とも大統領として米軍主導で中東での戦争を指揮したGeorge Bush 親子およびその背景の大手石油資本の話になる。石油と家族と戦争を扱うGeorge Stevens監督のGiant (1956 )と比較しながら扱うのも良いだろう。授業で教える場合を想定して気をつけるべき点などについて検討したい。

[Oil, Family, and Blood: Approaches to Teaching Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood (2007) in an English and Liberal Arts Major Class

 I’m thinking of teaching Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood (2007) in an English and Liberal Arts Major class. In this presentation I would like to focus on the narrative web of oil, family, and blood in this film based on Daniel Worden (2012) because this approach leads to another important subject of American studies—presidency, oil and religion (George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush). Another approach is to compare George Stevens’ Giant (1956) and TWBB. What and how do we need to teach TWBB in order to promote discussion in a class?]

                                   ≪Q&A: 16:25~16:30≫ 

8.16:30~16:35  閉会挨拶 (Closing)

Informal Virtual Get-together (~17:00)ドキュメント設定を開く公開パネルを開く

  • 文書
