ATEM Higashi Nihon Chapter Online Study Meeting on September 13, 2020 ATEM(映像メディア英語教育学会)東日本支部2020年度秋季例会プログラム(一部改訂)

Invitation to ATEM Higashi Nihon Chapter Online Study Meeting on September 13, 2020


This is the first study meeting hosted by ATEM Higashi Nihon Chapter in 2020 and the first online one in the history of this Chapter. Seven presenters will speak about a variety of topics including second language video creation projects, CLIL based SDG English language teaching, and how to make use of online resources to teach English and literature.


The first three presentations (13:05-13:25, 13:25-13:45, and 13:45-14:05 JST) will be conducted in English. You are kindly asked to register through the form 

( by September 9 in order to join the meeting. You will be informed of the Zoom ID and Pass later.


Please enter a few minutes before the beginning of the presentation(s) you plan to attend and indicate your full name (and turn on your video camera if you don’t mind) for security reasons.





・Zoomの参加者名は本名でお願いします。途中の出入りについては、できるだけ発 表と発表の間にお願いします。




プログラム Program(一部改訂Revised Edition)

日時:2020年9月13日(日)September 13th, 2020

オンライン(Zoom Meeting 


13:00 開会の辞 Opening


13:0513:25 第1発表 1st Presentation

Title:Factors affecting improvement in speaking ability through video creation      PBLL: A preliminary analysis

Presenter:Ryan SPRING (Tohoku University)

Abstract:Project-based language learning through short video creation has been gaining increasing attention in the literature for its benefits to improving foreign language speaking abilities (Dooly & Sadler, 2015; Hafner et al., 2015; Spring, 2019). According to Spring (in press), L1 Japanese EFL students can improve upon objective measures of spoken fluency, accuracy and complexity through completion of such a course. However, it is not yet clear why some students improve more than others or in only certain areas. This presentation focuses on the preliminary results of multivariate ANOVA analysis of pre- and post-test scores of speaking with independent factors of scaffolding, teamwork, participation, taking a speaking role and group size to see which had impact on various measurements of speech. The results indicate that some measures of teamwork can contribute to improved fluency, and that scaffolding was the largest contributor to complexity and taking a speaking role was most associated with improved pronunciation accuracy and syntactic complexity.

13:2513:45 第2発表 2nd Presentation

Title: A short story video production activity and communication in an online class
Presenter:  Mio Sekiguchi (Center for Education of Global Communication, University of Tsukuba)

Abstract: The University of Tsukuba’s project work Japanese class is for foreign students and aims at language acquisition through short video production. Twelve students in the class, who used ZOOM throughout the 2020 spring semester, produced a total of eight short videos. The class was automatically divided into two to three groups by AI. Each student participated in three videos this semester. This presentation introduces how the online video production class compared to regular classes. Students had effective communication not only during remote class, but also outside of the class through remote tools such as LINE. The groups organized independently, decided details, and planned their projects by themselves. This kind of experience is one useful method of communication between the students for future online class to come.

13:4514:05 第3発表 3rd Presentation

Title:Taking advantage of multimedia tools for an online course: An example of a CLIL SDG course

Presenter:Barry Kavanagh  (Tohoku University)

Abstract:The advent of the coronavirus has forced many language teachers to teach online. This has led many teachers to feel apprehensive about how they deliver their lessons. However, with the right mindset, teachers can take advantage of this situation with the many free multimedia tools and resources that are available to us.

This presentation gives an account of a university CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) based SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) English language course that was taught via Zoom. Using a selection of films from the SDG Global Festival of Action, interactive online resources, documentaries and authentic SDG literature that formed the basis and inspiration for class materials, this class aimed to introduce students to the 17 SDGs that focused on global issues related to science, politics, lifestyles and the environment.

Based on the principles of CLIL and the objectives of CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) the course aimed to provide students with the building blocks of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure through a process of scaffolding which then allowed the students to take part in discussions, problem solving tasks and debate. The course also included an academic writing component where students had to submit a piece of academic writing based on an SDG theme of their choice.

14:05~14:15 質疑応答 Question & Answer

14:1514:35 第4発表 4th Presentation


発表者:田淵龍二  (ミント音声教育研究所)



14:35~14:40  質疑応答 Question & Answer

14:40~15:00 休憩 Coffee Break 

以下はSIG「映画映像とコーパスによる文化的英語教育研究会 (SIG on Teaching Culture and English through Movies and Corpus 代表者:田淵龍二)の部会としての「インターネット時代における映画と文学」のテーマによる発表

15:0015:20  第5発表 5th Presentation



発表概要:インターネット情報の活用は現代の社会生活において不可欠である。インターネットと文学は、上昇と下降の敵対し、対立するもののように見えるが、授業では相性が良い。最近若者に不人気の文学は、インターネット利用の大学でオンライン授業によって復活をとげた。疫病蔓延の恐怖を描いたE.A.ポーの『赤死病の仮面』“The Masque of the Red Death”(1842)を題材に、PDFテキストと解説、音声、実写映像、アニメ映像を駆使した「清水純子の映画英語レッスン」による授業実践例を報告する。

15:2015:40  第6発表 6th Presentation



発表概要: 映画『黙秘』Dolores Claiborne,1995) は、Stephen Kingの同名小説(1992)の翻案映画化である。原作はDoloresのナラティブで構成されるが、映画は会話と映像のコミュニケーションで進行する。本映画の究極の場面でのコミュニケーションのスタイルは、言語と非言語(身振りと感情表現・顔の表情)で応答する単純なものではない。演劇や映画のセリフの「掛け合い」や「駆け引き」でもなく、法廷映画で見受ける「ディベイト」でもなく、文学的なものである。このコミュニケーション機能をどう命名するかは今後の課題にする。学生への英語授業では未知語や語句の英語学習を、実例の豊富なCorpus of Contemporary American EnglishをWEBで使用させるのが良い。

15:4016:00  第7発表 7th Presentation



発表概要:映画『ライオン 25年目のただいま』(Lion, 2016)は、5歳で迷子になったインド人少年Sarooがオーストラリア人夫妻の養子となり、Google Earthを活用して25年後に実母と再会する実話に基づく。インターネット、移民、ストリートチルドレンなどの現代性、インドの揚げ菓子が昔の記憶を一気に呼び覚まし、ホームカミング(実母との再会)を果たすという普遍性、それらが相まって心を打つ。この映画に関してネット検索すると多くの資料(動画およびサイト)が見つかる。様々な動画では、主演俳優 Dev Patel(Slumdog Millionaireの主演)、実話のSarooや映画製作者らのコメントを聞くこともできる。古くて新しい物語を、インターネット資料を活用して、英語学習、文学・文化理解に役立てることができる。

16:0016:10 Q & A(第5発表~第7発表について)


16:10 閉会の辞 Closing 


ATEM(映像メディア英語教育学会)東日本支部 2020年度秋季例会発表募集

ATEM(映像メディア英語教育学会)東日本支部 2020年度秋季例会発表募集











