
2021年3月21日 ATEM東日本支部春期オンライン例会 ATEM East-Japan Branch Spring Online Meeting 3/21/2021


以下のGoogle Formで3月19日までに登録ください。後日ZoomURLをお知らせします。



You are kindly asked to register through the following Google Form by March 19 in order to join the meeting. You will be informed of Zoom ID & Pass later.




*12:30 ~ Zoomのリハーサル(*発表者のみ)
Zoom Rehearsal (*Presenters only)


1.13:00~13:05 開会挨拶 (Opening)


2.13:05~13:25 Mio Sekiguchi & Aaron Jasny

(University of Maryland Global Campus)


How to demonstrate culture gaps between Asia and America in East Asian language courses


University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) offers university classes on U.S. military bases around the world. Recently, UMGC Asia had a three-day faculty workshop by Zoom. The faculty members in East Asian Studies discussed the topic ‘formative/summative assessments for can-do statements’ in a break out room. In this process, all faculty members found culture gap difficulties between America and Asia when they teach languages. The faculty members discussed the importance of cultural behavior and non-verbal expressions in communication. This presentation focuses on Japanese and Korean as representative languages in the Asian community and reports the instructors’ opinions on the virtual classroom. It also reports the results of formative and summative assessments in Japanese and Korean languages.

      ≪Q&A: 13:25~13:35≫ 




3.13:40~14:00 Thiri Soe1, Chris Aiezza2, & Ryan Spring1

(Tohoku University1, Miyagi-ken Tomiya-shi BoE2)


Using digital storytelling and project based learning with elementary school EFL learners


Speaking often doesn’t receive enough attention in Japanese EFL classrooms. One way suggested to overcome this in younger learners is the use of digital storytelling and related technology (e.g. Liu et al., 2018), which has been theorized to be engaging and cause students to become more active learners (Ohler, 2013), but has not been tied to specific gains in speaking ability. Another method of encouraging more active speaking is project-based learning (PBL) (e.g. Spring, 2020), although this is generally conducted with older students. This study looks at how a dual method (digital storytelling and PBL) approach to teaching elementary school L1 Japanese EFL students affects speaking ability, and how students react to each of these methodologies, using pre and post speaking tests and surveys. The results of the speaking tests indicate that the use of both digital storytelling and PBL is effective in training young learners’ speaking. Furthermore, the results of the survey show that learners were generally positive towards the digital storytelling, and that a short project can be used as an effective activity to help young students to practice their speaking. It also serves as a starting point for finding the factors that have the most impact on successful speaking acquisition for young Japanese EFL learners.

      ≪Q&A: 14:00~14:10≫ 




4.14:15~14:35 Iwasaki Hirosada

(University of Tsukuba)


Retelling semi-academic talks in English classes


The purposes of the presentation are to show (a) how the 1st-year university students’ productive skills can be improved by retelling English semi-academic speeches, and (b) what kind of skills must be learned to cope with problems relating to the activities. This presentation focuses on what kind of collocations are overlooked as well as what measures can be taken to prevent it, and why paraphrasing low-frequency words is important as well as what kind of training is necessary to learn it to the practical level.

The materials used for retelling are TED talks and TED Ed videos both available on the Internet. The research first observed English wording used by student presenters, which showed failure to notice critical collocations and to paraphrase difficult words; this often led to the audience’s misunderstanding. It then shows a step-by-step technique for students to make wording much less difficult, while still keeping the message intact.

The findings are practically effective for those teachers wishing to promote learners’ productive skills in English classes for academic or semi-academic purposes.


Iwasaki, H. (2019). Putting CLIL into practice in a Japanese university context. Proceedings from the J-CLIL TE Seminar. 85-88.

磐崎弘貞(2019) 「リサーチ・ユニバーシティにおける語学教育改革:筑波大学における英語教育改革3つの柱」『IDE現代の高等教育』2019年6月号.

Willis, J. (1981). Teaching English through English: A course in classroom language and techniques.  Longman.

      ≪Q&A: 14:35~14:45≫ 




5.14:50~15:10 野中辰也



[Introducing a Class Using a Movie and Related Web Pages]


大学を含む学校教育の目的の一つに、生涯学習につながる学習スキルを身につけさせるということがあげられる。この目的を目指し、発表者は短大生を対象に、映画『ファインディング・ニモ』とインターネット・サイトInternet Movie Database(IMDb)を利用して、英語を聞き、話し、読む力を養成する演習授業を過去15年ほどに渡って実践している。



This presentation introduces a college-level English class entitled “Learning English with Movies.” The class aims to foster lifelong learning skills for learners and focuses on activities that enhance three English skills such as reading, listening, and speaking. In order to fulfill the aims above, we use an animation film Finding Nemo and a website “Internet Movie Database” (IMDb) in class. The class mainly consists of two parts: reading activities using the website IMDb, and listening/speaking activities using the movie “Finding Nemo.” I would like to share with you the actual activities and their impact on the learners in the presentation.

      ≪Q&A: 15:10~15:20≫ 




6.15:25~15:45 小泉勇人




[English Education in The Time of COVID-19: Academic Writing for Film

Analysis of Skyfall (2012)]



With regards to online English courses due to the COVID-19 situation in Japan, this presentation focuses on my class in which I teach English academic writing for film analysis to first and second-year university level students. Students learned paragraph writing, structure (Introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion), and block quotation, writing three academic essays more than 800 words each. With the analysis of the students’ learning process in the course, this research argues the importance of using free and prosperous internet resources in distance learning due to the coronavirus. The presentation also discusses how “The National Gallery, London scene” in Skyfall (2012) works to encourage students to use film criticism, screenplay, and other related sources available on the Internet for learning academic writing skills.

      ≪Q&A: 15:45~15:55≫ 



7.15:55~16:00 閉会挨拶 (Closing)


16:00 ~ Informal Virtual Get-together