第14回ATEM東日本支部大会プログラム  14th ATEM Higashi Nihon Chapter


第14回 ATEM(映像メディア英語教育学会)


14th ATEM Higashi Nihon Chapter Hybrid Conference 12/17/2023

場所:麗澤大学新宿キャンパス 新宿アイランドタワー44104号室


Place: Reitaku University Shinjuku Satellite Campus

Shinjuku I-Land Tower 4F Room 4104


If you would like to present and/or join the meeting online, please indicate your name and ATEM chapter. If you are not an ATEM member, please indicate your name and affiliation.

Zoomミーティング ID: 835 0882 1568  パスコード: 364839

Zoom ID: 835 0882 1568 Pass code: 364839

参加 Zoom ミーティング



If you need to contact us on the day, please email atemhn20@gmail.com


 *12:30 ~ 12:50 Zoomのリハーサル(*希望者のみ)

  Zoom Rehearsal for Presenters (Voluntary)

    13:00~13:20 開会と支部総会(Opening & General Meeting)

113:30~13:50  三村仁彦(帝塚山大学 全学教育開発センター)




(1) If you don’t mind me asking, when does Your Highness think we’re going home?

『白雪姫と鏡の女王』(Mirror Mirror, 2012) <00:08:37>

この点について,多くの総合英語教材では,Would you mind my[me] …?に代表される人工的な例文と共に「目的格は話し言葉で見られる」といった趣旨の簡単な説明が付されるのみで,その具体的な比率や,典型的な生起パターンなど,その実情が判然としない部分も多い。そこで本発表では,英語会話コーパスの一種である「KUFS映画・ドラマ英語データベース」を利用して,動名詞の意味上の主語における所有格・目的格の交替についてより詳細な分析・記述をおこない,上記の問題をクリアした用例と解説を提示することで,今後の効率的な学習および指導に寄与することを目指す。 

                           Q&A: 13:50~13:55 

214:00~14:20  Sachiko NAKAMURATohoku University

Creation of Video Materials for Learning and Retaining Collocational Knowledge

  The importance of learning L2 collocations has been well-documented (e.g., González-Fernández & Schmitt, 2015). Despite the significance, mastering collocations poses a challenge for L2 learners, particularly due to the incongruence between L1 and L2 (e.g., Yamashita & Jiang, 2010). To facilitate L2 English learners to learn and retain collocation knowledge, ultimately making it productive knowledge, the development of effective materials is essential. This presentation explores: 1) why video materials are suitable for learning collocations, 2) considerations for creating the material, and 3) how we can create and share video materials with learners using free websites and applications. The text and audio in the material are provided according to the following procedure (the target collocation in this example is “bear a resemblance”):

1. Full sentence (text – English & Japanese, audio – English): “The ancient artifact bears a resemblance to those found in neighboring regions.”

2. Pause for learner repetition

3. Repetition of 1) & 2)

4. First chunk (text – English & Japanese, audio – English): “The ancient artifact”

5. Pause for learner repetition

6. Second chunk (text – English & Japanese, audio – English): “bears a resemblance”

7. Pause for learner repetition

8. Third chunk (text – English & Japanese, audio – English): “to those found in neighboring regions”

9. Pause for learner repetition

10. First chunk (no text information, audio – English)

11. Pause for learner repetition

12. Second chunk (no text information, audio – English)

13. Pause for learner repetition

14. Third chunk (no text information, audio – English)

15. Pause for learner repetition

16. Full sentence (no text information, audio – English)

17. Pause for learner repetition

18. Repetition of 16) & 17)

The learners’ reactions to the material are also introduced in the presentation.

                           Q&A: 14:20~14:25 

3.14:30-14:50   Christopher R. Cooper (Rikkyo University

Supporting an English through movies course with an IMDb review corpus

     When teaching a course without a textbook, a corpus can be a useful tool

to provide language support to L2 users. Recently, there are an increasing number

of open-source datasets available, providing access to large bodies of texts from

various registers. In the current study an open-source dataset of 25,000 positive

and 25,000 negative online movie reviews was used to provide language support

to university students on an ‘English through Movies’ elective course. AntConc

was used to extract keywords from the positive reviews, using the negative

reviews as a reference corpus, then the opposite was done for negative reviews.

Only giving students a list of words may not be the ideal kind of support, as no

indication about usage is given. Therefore, the ‘order by frequency’ setting was

used in AntConc’s KWIC tool to find frequently occurring phrases and patterns.

Documents were provided to students based on the corpus analysis to help them

write movie reviews, have discussions and give presentations. In addition, several

activities were constructed using the positive and negative language. In this

presentation the keyword extraction process will be explained, and example

materials and tasks will be shared, along with reflections on their use in the


      Q&A: 14:50~14:55 

 Coffee Break 15:0015:25

415:25~15:45   山本五郎(法政大学)



本発表では、2024年に出版予定の教材について、ユニットの構成、ユニット内の各セクションの内容と狙い、問題形式、ニュース動画・画像素材の選定、オンライン情報とのリンクなどについて概観し、その企画・開発や活用上の特性に関してMayer and Sims (1994)の評価基準に沿って説明する。


       Q&A: 15:45~15:50

516:00-16:20  塚田三千代(翻訳/映画アナリスト) 

 映画『CATS』(2018)の分析と英語教育への運用― Jellicle Cats の合成語

 物語は1930年代後半のロンドン・ソーホー地区のゴミ捨て場に、白い子猫が人間に捨てられた場面から始まる。そこは‘ジェリクルキャッツ’族が支配する場所である。ミルクバーの文化がある。手品師の奇跡技…鉄道猫のタップ…グリザベラ猫の徘徊…Heaviside Layer 旅への憧憬… 終盤は英国ロンドンのトラファルガー広場に集まって、白石のオベリスクを遠景にライオン像の傍で、仕事もゲームも楽しむ誇り高き猫たちと 「交際するルール」 を、歌唱して閉じる。発表ではミュージカル映画CATSの概要、‘ジェリクルキャッツ’の多様性、原作:T. S. Eliotの “The Naming of Cats”、‘ジェリクルキャッツ’歌唱コンテスト場面の名曲“Memory”を生成する。文化遺産と伝播、等を説明し、JellicleやHeaviside Layerの合成語やWイメージによる言葉遊びの社会風刺も言及する。

      Q&A: 16:20~16:25 


616:30~16:50  Yoshikazu NISHIATEM Hokkaido

 How to make lesson plans for new exam

The Hokkaido public high school entrance exam has already changed dramatically in 2022. Accordingly, the university entrance exam will change radically once again in 2025.

Because we need creative young people in Japan, the Japanese educational ministry wants to improve school lessons now. Therefore, schools must create new, more active lessons to foster a more adaptable workforce. Previously, the world needed young people who had enough knowledge. However, creative people who can think outside the box and adapt quickly are increasingly required.

As a result, school teachers have to change their lessons to encourage this different way of thinking. However, it is very challenging to change our teaching habits.

In this presentation, I would like to do two things.

First, I will show you a real example from high school entrance exams in Hokkaido from 2023. Then, I will explain what makes this a creative exam.

Second, teachers have to adapt their lesson plans for this new type of exam. Therefore, I will demonstrate some ways to encourage student adaptability with examples.

                                    Q&A: 16:50~16:55 

7 17:00-17:20  高橋亮太(兵庫県立大学4年) 



      Q&A: 17:20~17:25 

17:30~17:35  閉会 (Closing)