ATEM東日本支部夏季例会     プログラム(対面&オンライン)ATEM Higashi Nihon Chapter Study Meeting  ( Hybrid)

日時:2023年7月1日(土) Date: July 1(Sat.), 2023

場所:麗澤大学新宿キャンパス(新宿アイランドタワー 4F)

Place: Shinjuku Campus, Reitaku University(4F, Shinjuku I-Land Tower)


You are kindly asked to register through the following Google Form by June 30 if you would like to join the meeting online. You will be informed of Zoom ID & Pass later.


13:00-13:15 発表者リハーサル(希望者のみ) Rehearsal for presenters (optional)

13:15  開会挨拶 (Opening)



AIと恋する物語ー映画 Ex Machina (2014) と Her (2013) を中心に

概要Ex Machina (2014) のアンドロイド Avaは、若いプログラマー Calebを誘惑し、研究施設からの脱出に協力させる「ファムファタール」であるが、「女性らしい」容姿やファッションを身につけた Ava自身が自分のことをどう意識しているのかは不明確である。Her (2013) のAI “Samantha” は、心のこもった手紙代筆のプロ Theodore(ら)の秘書兼相談相手そして「彼女」となるが、その驚異的な “恋愛能/脳力”(?)は「人間」を超えていく。「彼女」に振られたTheodoreは「人間」の女性との関係を再認識する可能性をも示唆して映画は終わる。

 筆者の基本的関心は「人間とはなにか」という「ヒューマニズム」にあるが、例えば Anneke Smelik (2016)も言うように、結局「ヒューマニズム」の重要性に気づくノスタルジックな方向性なのか、「ポストヒューマニズム」の可能性も見えるのか?映画や文化研究の授業でディスカッションのネタにできるのではないだろうか?

[An android Ava in Ex Machina  (2014) seduces a young programmer called Caleb into helping her escape from a research facility, but it is unclear how Ava perceives herself. Another AI named “Samantha” in Her (2013) becomes the secretary, advisor, and girlfriend of Theodore (et al.) but her amazing “romantic power” (?) exceeds that of “humans.” The latter ends with a suggestion that Theodore may rediscover his relationship with a “human” woman. Are these films nostalgic in that they suggest the importance of “human” relationships, as Anneke Smelik (2016) says, or is there a possibility of “posthumanism” in Her? This will be a topic for discussion in a class focusing on film studies or cultural studies.]

≪Q&A: 13:40~13:45≫



『ファンタスティック・ビースト 魔法使いの旅』の授業活用への提言

[“Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, 2016” for the classroom use]

概要: ニュート・スキャマンダーは魔法動物調査のために世界中を旅し、研究書を出版する前に1926年、ロンドンへの帰路NYへ立ち寄った。密売される直前にエジプトで救出したサンダーバードをアリゾナの自然生息地で野生に戻すためであった。ニュートの茶色い皮製トランクの中にはフラニーや他の魔法動物たちがいるが、それらが飛び出しニュートは予期せぬ事態に巻き込まれる。NYの街では地割れ、建物の倒壊、ガス状の現象などが次々に起こり、これは「魔女のせいだ」と騒ぎだしてノー・マジ(普通の人間)がビラ配りをはじめる。アメリカ合衆国魔法議会(MACUSA)では、オブキュラスという黒いモヤモヤした物体の到来を危惧して強いレベルの警戒態勢をしく。この映画は環境保護、復旧・復興、キャリアウーマン、人種の多様性、個人起業家への支援というメッセージを伝え、ダイバーシティ文化を象徴するゆえに、英語の4スキルや伝達能力アップのための授業に活用に適用する。

[Newt Scamander travels the world to investigate magical animals. Before publishing the research, he stopped in New York on his way back to London in 1926. He has the purpose of letting thunderbirds rescued in Egypt shortly before being trafficked, lease back into the wild in its natural habitat in Arizona. Inside Newt’s brown leather trunk are Franny and other magical animals, but they pop out and Newt gets involved in an unexpected situation. In the streets of New York, cracks in the ground and buildings collapse, gaseous phenomena occur one after another, and No-Maji (Normal humans) make a fuss saying “witches are to blame” and handing out leaflets. The United States Magical Parliament (MACUSA) is on alert for the arrival of a black hazy object called Obscurus. The film conveys the messages of environmental protection, recovery, career women, racial diversity, and support for individual entrepreneurs. Because it symbolizes a diverse culture, it is applied to the classroom use of the four skills and communication skills.]

≪Q&A: 14:10~14:15≫


関口 美緒 (名古屋大学・メリーランド大学(UMGC))


[A study on the language switch operation and language usage of English and other language speakers] 



[This study will present the results of a study on how language switching works in the brain of native speakers of foreign languages or multilingual speakers when they speak and understand Japanese. The impact on language use and acquisition will be considered in the result.]


[1] 学生の専門は工学部,化学部、農学部、法学部、文学部、経済学部。タイ,香港,韓国,マレーシア、ブラジル、アメリカ、パキスタン、フィリピン、フランス、ニュージーランド、ミャンマー。


≪Q&A: 14:40~14:45≫

4.14:55~15:15 [Online presentation]

NISHI Yoshikazu (former High School Teacher)

Significant Changes in the Hokkaido Public High School Entrance Examinations


In March 2022, the entrance examinations for Hokkaido public high schools changed radically. The entrance exams mainly aimed to check the applicants’ knowledge of school subjects. However, the current exams focus on their thinking process, judgment, and ability to express thoughts rather than just what they know. 

A geography exam may be a typical example to show you a new way of testing. The following is a Geography test regarding Senri New Town, built in the 1960s on the outskirts of Osaka. Seeing a lot of data, including graphs, applicants must answer the following questions: Why was Senri New Town built? How was Senri New Town 30 years later? They must read the documents and think and express their thoughts.  

The following is an example of an English exam. The applicants must understand information on how to go to the baseball stadium from the hotel. There are four ways: bus, train, taxi, and walking. They have to choose one and write the reasons. High schools want to examine their thinking, judgment, and expression abilities. 

I will also discuss the usefulness of smartphones (visual media) for entrance

examination preparation. They can be a good weapon for students to conquer

these kinds of significant changes. I will show you how to use them for the

entrance examinations.

≪Q&A: 15:15~15:20≫


MCAULAY Alexander Graduate School of International Social Sciences, Yokohama National University

Nurturing Creativity through the Use of Image-driven Short Films


Commentators note various benefits when using creative writing with English learners, such as raised critical consciousness (Stillar 2013), increased motivation (Smith 2013), and improved acquisition of grammatical structures (Pelcova 2015). This practice-based presentation will outline how image-driven short films can be successfully utilized in the Japanese university classroom to nurture creativity and introduce students to creative writing. The craft of screenwriting requires the writer to communicate on the page images and information that will be seen on screen. In this presentation, I will briefly explain the concept of visual storytelling.  I will then describe a course for university juniors and seniors that makes use of image-driven short films, film clips, and visual storytelling techniques to  unlock students’ creativity. I will introduce samples of work done by students on the course.

≪Q&A: 15:45~15:50≫


<Workshop: How to Make Better Videos for Your Classes Part 1: Framing>

SPRING Ryan (Tohoku University)

NAKAMURA Sachiko (Tohoku University)


Video materials are a great way for EFL students to learn practical usage of English. However, we often have particular points we want to teach, and we might (1) not know where to find an appropriate video clip that shows the word in use, or (2) have limitations based on copyrights or other legal concerns. For these reasons, many teachers have begun making their own videos to contextualize words and phrases for their students. Furthermore, creating original videos allows you to prepare teaching materials that are specifically tailored to the skills your students need, which can be extremely beneficial. These days, it is getting easier and easier to make videos as well, since advances in technology provide us with cheap cameras and editing software. However, many of us are not professional videographers, and so the videos we make may not seem as high quality or exciting as professionally made ones. If we don’t do a good job of making our videos, they lose the added visual cues that can help learners when learning words and phrases, and students might soon become bored with them. Therefore, it is in our best interest to make the highest quality videos that we can. In this series, we want to help you to improve your filming ability so that you can provide high quality videos to your students using simple tools that most teachers have; a cell phone, a computer, and other simple items.

In Part 1, we are going to teach you about framing and mise-en-scene. Rather than just talk about it, we are going to have everyone make a simple video with us, learn to plan for shots, make simple story boards, and then we are going to re-shoot the same video using what we’ve learned. We will then compile the examples with editing so that everyone can see the difference. Please join this workshop and get hands-on experience!

17:05  閉会挨拶 (Closing)