東日本支部 支部大会プログラム
13th ATEM Higashinihon Chapter Hybrid Conference 12/17/2022
場所:東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス 西3号館 W331教室
Place: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, West Bldg. 3, W331
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You are kindly asked to register through the following Google Form by December 15 (Th.) if you would like to join the meeting online. You will be informed of Zoom ID & Pass later.
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13:00~13:15 開会挨拶と支部総会(Opening & General Meeting)
その後 発表者リハーサル(希望者のみ)
NAKAMURA Sachiko(Tohoku University)
How can we make the best use of pattern practice in the digital era?
Abstract: Pattern practice is one part of the audiolingual method, which was once popular but now tends to be considered “obsolete.” Pattern practice in the audiolingual method, also called the Army Method or Michigan Method, was created based on the theory of Behaviorism (Skinner, 1957) and Structuralism, and reached its peak in the 1960s. It has received a lot of criticism, most famously by Norm Chomsky, namely that it has limited effects.
However, in the current digital era, the method seems to have an enormous potential via internet audio files to promote language acquisition when used for autonomous study. This is because it includes multiple aspects that could have positive effects on language learning when used effectively. Specifically, it could help with: 1) information retention, 2) changing declarative knowledge to procedural knowledge and promoting language automatization, 3) vocabulary and phrase acquisition, 4) understanding grammar, 5) segmentals and suprasegmentals in pronunciation, and 6) the acquisition of the ability of learners to monitor their own language in real communication. Based on this, using pattern practice for autonomous study and increasing opportunities to use English in communication could create a positive spiral.
In this presentation, I will explore what was wrong with the audiolingual method in the past and how we can improve it in the new, digital era.
≪Q&A: 13:55~14:00≫
SPRING, Ryan(Tohoku University)
Statistics for Linguistics and Language Education Made Easy
Abstract: Many language educators and theoretical linguists have an allergy to statistics. While I understand that statistics can be daunting and therefore sticking with theoretical, qualitative, and descriptive methods can be appealing, there are many studies that could benefit from one of a few simple statistical tests. For example, in the 2018 edition of the ATEM Journal, I identified 3 (out of 8) papers (37.5%) that took numerical data and could have bolstered their arguments or discovered new insights by including statistical testing but did not (2019 = 30%; 2020 = 20~30%). Furthermore, some papers choose the wrong test, or either fail to report or to make an interpretation of the effect size.
I am by no means suggesting that all studies have to be quantitative or include statistics, nor am I suggesting that my colleagues papers are not good. Conversely, I find that many of these papers were very commendable, but that with just a little bit of help, the papers could have been expanded even further. Therefore, I created a simple, free, online tool (webpage) that can help language educators and linguists, specifically, to perform simple statistics tests for their research or educational purposes. The webpage helps researchers to choose the proper statistical test and to interpret their results in several ways. First, it provides simple explanations for each choice with practical examples of experiments and research designs that are common in linguistics and language education, that will hopefully be familiar to the user. Furthermore, it provides several computerized checks to ensure that users have made the correct selection.
For example, if users choose that their data is paired, but the number of data points in the data sets are different, it alerts the user. Furthermore, if a user selects that their data is continuous, a Shapiro-Wilks test of normalcy is conducted before allowing the use of parametric tests. Finally, the tool provides the user with: (1) an explanation of which tool was used and why, which can be included in the “methodology: analysis” section of a paper, (2) the test statistic, p value, and an appropriate measurement of effect size, (3) an interpretation of the effect size based on Plonsky and Oswald (2014). By showing the tool and how easy it is to use, I hope I can convince others to add simple statistical tests to their research to help them find new insights and bolster their arguments.
≪Q&A: 14:30~14:35≫
3.14:40~15:05 [Online presentation]
Kavanagh, Barry(Tohoku University)
The potential of satire to introduce global issues and enhance critical thinking skills
Abstract: With the advancement of globalization, Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology (MEXT) has strived to reform English language education. One of its main aims is to nurture globally minded university graduates who excel in English communication, media literacy and critical thinking skills.
Satire within visual media can be described as the use of irony to mock and ridicule human vices within the context of contemporary politics and global issues. Satire also aims to criticize in order to evoke some sort of change and through traditional and social media outlets university students can be exposed to satire on a regular basis.
This talk looks at the work of the illustrator and animator Steve Cutts who has created a body of work that satirizes human behavior on a broad range of issues from materialism, animal cruelty, environmental issues and the corporate lifestyle. His satirical commentary on the excesses of society can be used as a tool to develop students’ media literacy and analytical skills within the EFL classroom. This talk will give some examples of classroom practice on how the animations of Steve Cutts were used to introduce Japanese university students to global issues, develop their understanding of visual media as a tool for satire and promote critical thinking skills.
≪Q&A: 15:05~15:10≫
『ボス・ベイビー』(Boss Baby, 2017)にみる家族の絆を深める英語
[“Boss Baby”(2017) is a comedy film that can be enjoyed by all generations and makes one think about the nature of family. The phrases and words used by Boss Baby and Tim serve as a clear plot for those who do not usually watch movies, and at the same time, they are elements that emphasize the message of the film. Therefore, I will focus on the words they use and discuss how they influence the message of the bond in the film using specific examples. In the future, I would also like to consider the possibility of using comedy family films such as “Boss Baby” in academic settings.]
≪Q&A: 15:40~15:45≫
小泉勇人( 東京工業大学リベラルアーツ研究教育院)
[Based on classroom practice in the first-year experience in higher education, this paper examines a speech by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who criticizes the Russian invasion of Ukraine as an English teaching material. It identifies what, to some extent, can be effective for shadowing English. The teaching process consists of reading comprehension of the text, the practice of reading the text aloud, and recitation in each class. In addition to some teaching methods for recitation training, this paper also focuses on Schwarzenegger’s father’s background and opinion about the 2021 United States Capitol attack revealed in the text.]
≪Q&A: 16:15~16:20≫
6 .16:25-16:30 閉会挨拶 (Closing)