<2018年6月24日(日曜日)13:30~17:50 / 会場:麗澤大学東京研究センター >
- How to Incorporate Japanese Movies and Foreign Movies with Japanese Subtitles in a Content-based Reading Class (13:30-14:10)
Keita Yagi (International Christian University)
- 映画『古都』(The Old Capital)に於ける文化の多様性―MCDB― (14:10-14:50)
- 「英語嫌い」を克服させるための動画アプローチ(実践報告)(14:50-15:30)
<20分間休憩> (15:30-15:50)
- 実写版映画併用による Anne of Green Gables の作品分析 (15:50-16:30)
- 実践報告:高校におけるEdmodoの活用について (16:30-17:10)
- Stereotypes, myths, misconceptions and realities:
Representations of martial arts and Japanese culture through the film and media
of the west and Japan in a CLIL based English class. (17:10-17:50)
Barry Kavanagh (Tohoku University)
東京都新宿区西新宿6-5-1新宿アイランドタワー4階 新宿駅西口より徒歩8分
2018年度夏季例会 発表要旨
- How to Incorporate Japanese Movies and Foreign Movies with Japanese Subtitles in a Content-based Reading Class (13:30-14:10)
Keita Yagi (International Christian University)
This case-study presentation will report on a university level content-based academic reading course, which aims to teach content as well as reading strategies by using authentic texts. This is a core course for freshmen students at a bilingual university in Tokyo and treats two different content areas each term: educational values and argumentation (critical thinking) in the spring term, intercultural communication and issues of race in the autumn term, and ethical issues and visions of the future (peace studies) in the winter term. Although the classes were conducted in English only, the presenter used two Japanese movies and two foreign movies with Japanese subtitles in the final classes. These movies allowed students to apply concepts they had read about and to discuss the texts in more depth. After reviewing the role of L1 in the second language learning classroom, he will explain which movies he chose for which topics and how he presented these movies to the class, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.
- 映画『古都』(The Old Capital)に於ける文化の多様性―MCDB― (14:10-14:50)
- 「英語嫌い」を克服させるための動画アプローチ(実践報告)(14:50-15:30)
1) 学生の興味に沿った動画素材を使用することで、内発的動機づけが高まる。
2) 初心者レベルの学生であっても、Authenticな英語に触れられる。
3) トップダウンプロセスを駆使して内容を理解することができる。
4) 集中力が持続する。
5) 語彙習得の際の印象づけができる。
6) Non-verbalコミュニケーションの要素を学び、それを自身のプレゼンテーションに活かすことができる。
7) 英語の動画が「理解できた」喜びから新たな学習意欲が生まれる。
- 実写版映画併用による Anne of Green Gables の作品分析 (15:50-16:30)
L.M. Montgomeryの代表作である『赤毛のアン』(Anne of Green Gables, 1908) の原書に対する理解を深めるにあたって、実写版映画を併用して文学の授業や英語教育を行うことは効果的である。本発表では、1985年にカナダで公開された映画Anne of Green Gables(Kevin Sullivan監督)に注目した。原書における風景描写や文化的時代背景(住居:Green Gables、服装:Puffed sleeves、髪型:Pompadour、学校の様子や近所との付き合いなど)が、映画を観ることで、より色彩豊かでかつ躍動的なイメージとして捉えられやすい。また、原書と映画において異なって描写されるシーンを通じて、そこに秘められた作者Montgomeryの意図やメッセージがより一層強調される。本発表では実写版映画を併用することがより効果的と思われる点について具体例をあげて考察する。
- 実践報告:高校におけるEdmodoの活用について (16:30-17:10)
- Stereotypes, myths, misconceptions and realities:
Representations of martial arts and Japanese culture through the film and media of the west and Japan in a CLIL based English class. (17:10-17:50)
Barry Kavanagh (Tohoku University)
The word stereotype comes from the Greek “stereos” meaning “firm or solid” and “typos” meaning “impression”. Stereotypes can be both positive and negative. Some of these stereotypes can be found in Western films that depict Asian culture and its martial arts and in Hollywood movies characters such as Mr Miyagi from the karate kid are represented as wise, mystical and Zen like.
This presentation will give an account of a class that combines advanced Japanese learners of English with foreign exchange students. The course examines some of the stereotypes and misconceptions of martial arts and Japanese culture, through both western and Japanese movies and television media from the 1960’s to the present day.
Utilizing a CLIL framework, students were given the scaffolding they needed to discuss, debate and present on themes such as film characterization of Asians, misconceptions about martial arts and orientalism in western media. The multicultural and multinational make-up of the class lent itself to a cross-cultural comparison of Japanese and western view of martial arts and Japanese culture and how it has evolved and changed in the past fifty years.