ATEM grant-in-aid
1. 趣旨:競争的研究奨励金を学会内に設け、研究費を持たないATEM会員の研究と業績の構築を支援するために、5万円を2名までに賞与する。
We would like to call your attention to the newly-developed competitive research funds. This grant-in-aid is designed to annually give 50,000 JPY to a maximum of two ATEM members who do not possess any research funds.
2. 対象者:
ATEM members who do not receive any research funds are eligible to apply for this grant-in-aid. The applicants should fall into one of the categories given below.
The applicants are expected to see to it that their membership fees are fully paid up. They are also expected to make sure that their research projects are conducted within the ATEM’s academic framework (narrow sense or broad sense of English education) through movies or/and other genres of audio-visual media.
(1) 高等教育機関(大学、短期大学、高等専門学校)で教鞭を取る非常勤講師。
Part-timers who teach at universities, junior colleges, or colleges of technology.
(2) 小学校、中学校、高等学校または専門学校で教鞭を取る教諭または講師。
Teachers (full-timers or part-timers) at primary/secondary schools or vocational schools.
(3) 国内外の大学院生(博士課程の前・後期は問わない)。
Graduate students at domestic or overseas universities (Master's or Doctoral degree candidates.)
(4) その他の機関に属するか無所属ではあるが、ATEMが求める映画英語教育の研究をしている者。
ATEM members who are either independent or affiliated with organizations other than the above.
3. 受給の条件:
ATEM研究奨励金を給費された者は、当該年度中に下記の項目の(1)もしくは(2)のいずれかの研究業 績を構築することを研究費受給の条件とする。((1)と(2)の両方を充足することも可)
The recipients of the ATEM grant-in-aid should satisfy either (1) or (2) or both conditions stated below.
(1) 全国大会での英語での口頭発表とジャーナル『映画英語教育研究』への論文の投稿。
Making a presentation at the ATEM National Convention of the year and submitting a paper to the ATEM Journal of the year.
(2) STEM国際大会での英語での口頭発表と紀要 “STEM JOURNAL”への論文の投稿
Making a presentation at the STEM International Conference of the year and submitting a paper to the STEM Journal of the year.
4. 応募方法
Applicants are requested to fill out the application form (downloadable) and turn it in to the ATEM Secretariat ( by February 29, 2016. Applicants can fill out the form either in Japanese or in English. They are encouraged to state how promising and rewarding their English education research projects are.