・ATEMジャーナル ・ATEM優秀論文賞 ・STEM大会発表、論文投稿
ATEM ジャーナル 投稿規定
(1) 英語教育に言及する節が1つ以上あること
(2) (1) の節は設けていないが、全体を通して英語教育の視点に立っていること
(3) 結論等に英語教育に関する言及があり、具体的に英語教育への応用に特化した説明が加えられていること
1. 研究論文としてテーマ・内容が有意義か
2. 論旨に一貫性があるか
3. オリジナリティが認められるか
4. 映像メディア英語教育という視点に立っているか
5. 研究論文として構成が適切か
6. 研究論文としての論証が充分か
7. 先行研究を充分踏まえているか
1. 教育実践報告としてテーマ・内容が有意義か
2. 論旨に一貫性があるか
3. オリジナリティが認められるか
4. 映像メディア英語教育という視点に立っているか
5. 教育実践報告としての構成が適切か
6. 教育方法の記述が具体的かつ適切か
1. 研究ノートとしてテーマ・内容が有意義か
2. 論旨に一貫性があるか
3. オリジナリティが認められるか
4. 映像メディア英語教育という視点に立っているか
5. 研究ノートとしての構成が適切か
6. その分野での発展性・話題性・速報性が認められるか
【書 式】
・原稿は MS-Word により作成し、使用する書体は、和文の場合「明朝体」、英文の場合「Times New Roman」で、文字サイズは12ポイントとします。
・論文タイトルは、和文の場合「MSゴシック体」、英文の場合「Times New Roman」で、文字サイズは16ポイントとします。
・用紙のサイズは A4 版とし、上下左右 25mm の余白を取り、1 ページの行数を 35行として 14 頁以内とします(要旨、文献、図表等をすべて含む)。
・写真は、そのまま版下に使える良質の状態のものを Word 文書に貼り付けて下さい。
・その他の書式の詳細については、Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) の最新版を参照して下さい。医学書院から『APA論文作成マニュアル』として日本語訳も発行されています。
【要 旨】
・要旨を 200 語程度の英文にまとめ、本文の前に掲載して下さい。要旨の後にキーワード5つ以内(日本語論文:日本語、英語論文:英語)を列挙してください。書式は上記と同様とします。本文が英文である場合も規定通り英文で要旨をつけて下さい。
・9 月 30 日必着。
・ワープロ独自のファイル形式、及び FAX による応募は一切受け付けません。
【審 査】
・応募された原稿は、ジャーナル編集委員会の審査を経て、掲載の可否が決定されます。ただし、必要に応じて、原稿に一部修正、応募区分の変更(研究論文から研究ノートへ、教育実践報告から研究ノートへ etc.)を求めることがあります。
・執筆者用の抜き刷りは、論文 1 件につき 10 部を無料でお送りさせていただきます。
ATEM Journal Submission Guidelines
(Revised on September 2, 2019)
The name of our organization has changed as of 2018 and with it the name of our journal has also changed to “ATEM Journal: Teaching English through Multimedia”. With this change, we will also be accepting papers that look at uses of any sort of visual media in English education, not only movies and film.
The three main key words for our journal are “visual media”, “English” and “education”. However, our journal welcomes contributions of research papers, practical education reports and research notes in a wide range of fields such as English linguistics, literature from English speaking countries, cultural and area studies, and communication, as long as they are related to the use of multimedia in English education in a broad sense.
If you are considering submitting a manuscript to our journal, please confirm that it meets the requirements of the ATEM journal with respect to "the use of multimedia in English education in a broad sense":
(1) At least one section should refer to teaching English;
(2) If there is no one particular section as described in (1), English education should be a focus/keyword for the whole paper;
(3) There should be reference to English education in at least the conclusion and, it should be made clear how the findings in the paper can be applied to the teaching of English
In summary, it is necessary that papers deal with both English education (either in a narrow or broad sense) AND audiovisual media, including but not limited to movies.
There are three categories of papers, Research Papers, Practical Education Reports, and Research Notes. Criteria for acceptance for each are as follows.
Research Papers
1. The theme and content have significance and usefulness
2. The thread of the argument is coherent and consistent
3. The research paper shows some degree of originality
4. The theme relates to the teaching of English through visual media
5. The paper is organized properly
6. The thesis is both adequately defined and demonstrated or proved
7. The research paper demonstrates appropriate application of previous studies
Practical Education Reports
1. The theme and content have significance and usefulness
2. The thread of the argument is coherent and consistent
3. The research paper shows some degree of originality
4. The theme relates to the teaching of English through visual media
5. The paper is organized properly
6. The teaching method is concretely and adequately described
Note: Practical Education Reports introduce and discuss original and creative classroom lesson plans and materials. Unlike Research Papers, their contents do not necessarily need to be supported by statistical and theoretical proof and arguments.
Research Notes
1. The theme and content have significance and usefulness
2. The thread of the argument is coherent and consistent
3. The research paper shows some degree of originality
4. The theme relates to the teaching of English through visual media
5. The paper is organized properly
6. The article is intended to stimulate study in a particular area
Note: Research Notes are articles reporting on work still in the early stages of development, intended to stimulate more study in a particular area, and/or will hopefully be revised in future for submission as Research Papers/ Practical Education Reports.
【General Contribution Requirements】
Authors must be members of ATEM and have paid their membership fees in full at the time of submission. This does not apply to commissioned papers.
・Manuscripts should be prepared in MS-Word. The font should be set to Mincho Tai for Japanese text, and Times New Roman for English text throughout the body of the paper, and the font size should be 12 point.
・For titles, the font size should be 16 point, and the font should be set to Gothic Tai for Japanese titles, and Times New Roman for English title.
・The paper size should be set to A4, and the margins should be set to 25mm on all four sides. You must also adjust the page format such that it only allows 35 lines per page. Papers should not exceed 14 pages in this format, including the abstract, references, graphs, appendixes, etc.
・The author is responsible for obtaining copyright permissions to utilize any pictures in the journal, including obtaining permission from the copyright owner of still images from films and videos for reproduction rights as necessary.
・Photos should be of good quality and be included in the body of the document.
・Notes should appear together at the end of the text (i.e. do not use foot notes on individual pages). Quotations in languages other than English or Japanese should have translations into English or Japanese. English quotes do not need Japanese translation.
・Non-Japanese proper nouns, including personal names and place names, should appear in their first appearance in the text in their original language or spelling.
・Other formatting should follow the most recent guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). There is also a Japanese translation of the Manual published by the Igaku Syoin which may be consulted.
An abstract in English of about 200 words (with 5 or less key words) should be included at the beginning of the paper. The abstract should be written in English regardless of the language of the main paper. The formatting should follow the above guidelines.
【Submitting Papers】
・You can get the official Cover Letter template by sending an e-mail to Chief Editor Mr. Ashikaga.
・Manuscripts should be submitted to the Chief Editor by email. The email title should be "Manuscript Submission."
・The Editorial Committee will send a confirmation email within two days. But if you do not receive an email, please send the manuscript again.
Chief Editor: TBA
Deadline for submissions: September 30.
【Other notes】
・Submissions should not have been previously published or under consideration for publication anywhere else at the time of submission.
・Submissions in other word processor formats or submitted by fax will not be considered.
・English manuscripts written by non-native speakers of English should be proofread by native English speakers before submission.
Members of the Journal Editorial Committee will referee submissions and decide on the suitability for publication. The Committee may request some revisions in the manuscript or a change in its classification (e.g. from Research Paper to Research Note).
After refereeing and revisions and resubmissions, there will also be a stage when authors will be asked to verify and proofread a final copy of their paper. At this stage, they should only be looking for misprints, and should not revise the content of the article.
10 offprints of the published article will be sent to the author.
The copyrights for research papers and reports published in the ATEM Journal is the property of ATEM.