
The 29th ATEM National Convention

[日時 Date]: 2024 年 11 月 9 日(土)(Nov. 9th, 2024)
[会場 Place]: 京都女子大学 Y 校舎 (Kyoto Women's University)

大会テーマ 映像メディアに英語教育のヒントを見つける―異文化理解の視点から―
Theme: Finding Hints for EFL Education in Multimedia:Focusing on Intercultural Perspectives

大会参加費:会員2,000円 非会員3,000円 学生証提示で無料(当日払い。事前の申し込みは不要です)




9:00 (Y 校舎 1 階 Bldg. Y, 1F)
受付 Registration

9:45-9:55 (Y201 教室)
Opening Ceremony
Moderator: SPRING Ryan(Vice President of ATEM)
 YOKOYAMA Hitoshi (President of ATEM)
 LEE Junkyu (President of STEM)
 LIU Xiaojun (Vice President Extraordinary of Kyoto Women's University)

10:00-10:30 (Y201 教室)
Special Presentation by STEM
LEE Yun Joon "Jason" (Daegu National University of Education)
"Reel to Real: From Shawshank to the Maze — ESL Travels with an AI Twist"

Moderator: SPRING Ryan(Tohoku University)

10:35-11:00 Concurrent Sessions 1
11:05-11:30 Concurrent Sessions 2
11:35-12:00 Concurrent Sessions 3

12:05-12:25 (Y201 教室)
ATEM 総会 General Meeting 司会:巳波義典(京都外国語大学)

13:30-13:55 Concurrent Sessions 4
14:00-14:25 Concurrent Sessions 5
14:30-14:55 Concurrent Sessions 6
15:00-15:25 Concurrent Sessions 7
15:30-15:55 Concurrent Sessions 8
16:00-16:25 Concurrent Sessions 9

16:30-17:30 (Y201 教室)
Special Lecture
BERGLUND Jeff (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
"My Intercultural Experiences in Life and in Movies"

Moderator: HIKAGE Hisayuki(Reitaku University)

17:30-17:35 (Y201 教室)
Closing Ceremony
FUJIE Yoshiyuki (Vice President, Director of Convention of ATEM)

17:50-19:30 (E 校舎:カフェテリア Bldg. E, Cafeteria)
懇親会 Reception Party